
Charity Fundraising

Exceed Your Fundraising Goals

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Charity Fundraising...Our Passion

Charity Fundraising is our mindset - our lifestyle. We are a fully integrated, results-driven fundraising company. Our passion is supporting charities, schools, and non-profit organizations with Celebrity Memorabilia, VIP Experiences, Vacation Packages and a vast selection of exclusive charity auction items. Our program is Zero-Risk and All-Reward. Our unparalleled auction items are provided at zero cost to the non-profit and are consistently in demand by the world's top foundations and philanthropists.

We are focused solely on the outcome of our clients auction fundraisers and helping them to exceed their fundraising goals. Our company is built by people who pull each other up and push our clients over the top of their fundraising revenue expectations. We are a business designed to to give back. 9 years strong and many more to go. We are all-in 100% of the time and refuse to have it any other way. Welcome to Charity Fundraising.

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Zero Risk All Reward Auction Items

Time-tested with proven trackable results by the world's best charities, foundations, philanthropists and auction bidders - Our Charity Auction Items command tremendously high winning bids and directly result in your organization's success to exceed all fundraising goals.

  • Autographed Memorabilia
  • VIP Experiences
  • Vacation Packages

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