
Charity Fundraising is an Accredited Business by the Better Business Bureau. To review our current A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau please click here.

All Charity Fundraising autographed items are forensically examined and certified by retired Law Enforcement from the New York Police Department (NYPD) to ensure authenticity, credibility and integrity.

All autographed items undergo a detailed forensic examination from an independent third-party authentication firm to confirm authenticity. All autographed items come with a Certificate of Authenticity and licensed counterfeit-proof authentication holograms. The Certificate of Authenticity accompanying every item we offer is respected at every major auction house in the world.

If your organization is looking for live and silent auction items for your fundraiser...
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Qualifications, Education & Training

  • An independent third-party authentication firm that does not engage in the buying or selling of autographed collectibles. Their sole interest is examining handwriting and signatures to determine an items authenticity.
  • Over 80+ years of experience in law enforcement and forensic document examination.
  • The President and Lead Forensic Questioned Document Examiner is a highly decorated former New York City Police Lieutenant and Commanding Officer where he supervised countless investigations into crimes involving forgeries and handwriting identification analysis.
  • Education and Training: All signature examiners have been educated and trained by signature document examiners, handwriting analysts and experts who train the FBI, IRS, Department of Defense and the United States Secret Service forensic document examiners as well as board certified and court qualified handwriting experts, museum curators and police officers.

Certificate Of Authenticity, Hologram Identifier & Online Registry

  • All signatures are forensically examined in person (not by computer scan.)
  • All items from Charity Fundraising come with the Certificate of Authenticity. This document will bear the counterfeit-proof authentication hologram that includes a matching number on both the certificate and the item itself.
  • All items that have a Certificate of Authenticity are downloaded into their examination verification database and customers can look up their specific item by the unique hologram identifier verifying the items authenticity in their online registry.