
There are endless options auction donation ideas for your upcoming non-profit event.  As an event planning committee, it’s a tough job to decide the perfect mix of themed gift baskets and unique items that really drive high bids and consequently, profit for your cause.

Every donation is a generous, but gift cards to local eateries and the movies are readily available and only so exciting. Here are some tips for your event planning committee to consider when you begin selecting your auction items:

1.)   Consider partnering with a fundraising company.  A fundraising company can assist your organization in selection items that will engage the crowd and drive high bids.  They also have access to unique items like once in a lifetime experiences, all-access tickets to meet your favorite sports star, autographed memorabilia and much more.  Because these items have a timeless value, they can be inherently linked to a person’s past, present, future. Combining sentimental value with a timeless quality gives your auction items a priceless tag.

2.)   Select auction items that are unique, personal, and priceless – something you can’t find anywhere else.  Research shows that unique auction items receive well over 175% of their fair market value. For example, autographed music memorabilia receives 260% above fair market value.

3.)   Create an opportunity for EVERY guest to bid.  Be sure to create a selection of items to meet the budgets of all of your guests.  Low-cost items like gift cards are important to those that may want to give a small donation to your cause.  Unique, high-bid items are wonderful opportunities for long-time donors to give and make their financial commitments to your cause and leave your event with a memorable item or experience.

4.)   Price your bids appropriately.  Be sure the opening bids for your auction items allow your organization to make a profit. Setting bids too high may prohibit guests from bidding based on limited budget.  Auction items with low opening bids may not provide your organization with a profit in the end.  If your event committee chooses to work with a fundraising company, they can assist your team by suggesting opening bids and much more.