Like most auctions benefit auctions have a goal to raise funds for a person or cause. However, benefit auctions can have small financial goals or very large financial goals. Benefit auctions with large financial goals may be put on by the American Red Cross in response to a natural disaster. Or they might be a small community gathering for a family in need.
No matter what the reason, benefit auctions require careful planning and perfect execution to ensure your cause meets and exceed the financial goals. Here are a few tips and ideas from Charity Fundraising to assist you in planning your benefit auction.
- PLANNING: Though planning early and ahead is not always possible when it comes to benefit auctions. It is of critical importance to plan early and thoroughly.
- VENUE: When selecting a venue, remember not to select a location that is too fancy. Selecting a high-end venue for a benefit affair can alert possible donors that your cause has excess funds. Be sure to select a modest, yet respectable venue to host your benefit auction that is within your budget.
- MARKETING: Don’t discount the power of marketing. Invest time and delegate marketing efforts to one or more of your volunteers if possible. Showcasing your charity auction items and marketing them prior to the event can increase awareness of your event and create excitement around your auction items. Furthermore, marketing your auction items can also drive high bidding. Today, charities have a wonderful source for free, 24-hour a day/7 days a week marketing through social media. Be sure to utilize this free tool and spread the word about your benefit and your auction items. Utilize a website to further market your cause and your event.
- Consider accepting absentee bids or hosting an online charity auction in addition to your live auction.
- If you will be sending out formal invitations or invitations by email, showcase a few of your top auction items right within the invite.
For more assistance in planning your upcoming benefit auction, contact Charity Fundraising today. Charity Fundraising has served over 5,000 non-profits worldwide by providing benefit auction ideas to help them exceed all fundraising goals.