
For decades, charities across the globe have seen success with auction fundraisers.  Whether your fundraiser is a silent auction or a live auction, a large gala or a casual cocktail party, auction fundraisers provide entertainment to your guests and funding to your cause.

If your organization has hosted a charity auction for more than a few years, it may be time to mix things up.  Traditionally, non-profits see repeat guests at fundraising events more often than they see prospective donors. To keep your guests coming back for more, it’s important to keep your events, your entertainment and your theme innovative and fresh. If your charity auction items are typically gift baskets and donated local gift cards, consider showcasing several high-end unique items.

Likewise, if this is your very first charity auction and you have a small budget, there are strategies that can assist you in showcasing high-end unique items without a large investment.  In either circumstance, consider consignment items vs donated charity auction items and understand the difference.

Donated charity auction items are typically secured by most non-profits from private donors and local businesses. These items are 100% donated and your organization will not incur any costs.  However, these items typically do not generate large funds.

Consigned charity auction items are available at no risk to your organization from Charity Fundraising. Our zero-risk auction item policy allows your organization to receive an authentic, high-end charity auction item completely free of charge and ready for display. If after your event you have any items that did not sell, simply return the items and we will cover the cost of the shipping. Because we work directly with the non-profit community we request no cash, credit cards or deposits up front. Our charity auction items truly are a zero risk and all reward way to increase donations and funding for your cause.

Earlier this year our Fundraising Manager, Michael Gordon, worked with Girls Think Tank in San Diego on their 2012 Golden Age of Hollywood Gala. Gordon comments, “They were very reluctant to take any big ticket items on consignment, however I suggested our Rock N’ Roll Legends guitar autographed by 9 of the best guitarists of all time and actually suggested to them that they take 2 of them so they could also sell one to the under-bidder. Not only did these 2 consignment items sell at the auction they raised over $10,000 for the non-profit.” At Charity Fundraising, we see examples of how consignment items drive up bids and help non-profits actually exceed their fundraising goals.

With consignment opportunities from Charity Fundraising you can showcase unique, in-demand items without the upfront investment. We have perfected the fine art of helping deliver blockbuster charity auctions to all of our partners.  Contact the team from Charity Fundraising today for more information.