
Hosting a golf tournament as a fundraising event has become a popular route for nonprofits to best utilize the summer months. We consistently see silent auction events being paired quite successfully with these outings as well.


Here are a few reasons:

  1. There is little planning needed. Annual gala events and charity balls take months of planning and organizing in order to execute all the working parts of such an event. While work is still needed for golf tournaments, the planning process is much more simple. This gives your organization a bit of a breather during the summer months while still being able to engage with your donors. It also allows for more energy and efforts to be concentrated on choosing the right silent auction items.
  2. Simplicity. There are fewer moving-parts of a golf outing event. Much of the event can be taken care of with simple to cover costs through golfer registrations.
  3. It’s an easy going pace. This is advantageous for your guests, who want to relax and have a good time. It is also an advantageous environment to showcase a silent auction event. Mingling, socializing, networking, and playful, competitive banter creates the perfect atmosphere that we crave for silent auction events.
  4. It’s a fun way to enjoy the warm weather. Let’s face it, successful charity fundraising events offer your donors an experience they will enjoy. This may seem like a simple component, but this fundamental truth is crucial to a successful event. Plus, golf outings provide another angle to reach donors uninterested in attending a black tie event.

Ok, So those are the reasons why golf outings can be the perfect atmosphere and logistical heaven for a charity fundraiser.

But what about the how?

How do you put on a successful golf outing and silent auction fundraising event?

… Consider the three components of a profitable golf tournament.

1) The players and participants.

That seems pretty straightforward.

You can’t have a golf tournament without the players!

Much of the work involved in a golf outing is limited to the marketing and logistics of rallying your donors.

Tip: Offer a “Purchase Dinner Only” tickets for significant others!

After most golf outings, a dinner is hosted at the country club for the hungry players. Consider inviting partners, friends, and/or family to come for this part of the event. You can offer this option on your registration forms.

This is a simple way to sell more tickets, increase the traffic for the silent auction, and raise more money.

2) Donations

Gifts to players, contest prizes, and auction items keeps the atmosphere lively.

Fun competition is bred at these events, which is the perfect atmosphere to showcase 4 to 6 unique and valuable auction items.

It’s important that these items are priceless and experience oriented.

VIP Events and Vacation Experience rack up high procurement rates at golf outings.

Make sure the auction items hold a wide appeal – especially if you consider offering a “dinner only” ticket for close friends and family.

Golf experiences – for example, an all-expense paid trip to the golf greens of Dublin, Ireland – receive high bids. (You’re golfing audience is bound to like golf!)

But don’t forget that the range of auction items can extend further than golf-related items –

Consider offering auction items like a Saks Fifth Avenue Shopping Spree in the Windy City. Or maybe a trip over the pond for a Broadway play in the famous London West End Theatre sounds more appealing.

Or what about offering adventures to Rome, Bora Bora & Tahiti, Machu Pichu, Paris, or Tokyo?

How many fundraising events offer a guided journey up Machu Pichu in the mountains of Peru or a South African Safari adventure?








Stateside trips – like family trips to Disney World or Sea World or a getway to the Rocky Mountains – procure high bids as well.






Auction items are easy to procure from Charity Fundraising. We offer all of our clients our no risk auction items. Meaning, it costs your organization nothing if our auction items do not sell. (And that includes all shipping, processing, and handling.)

3) Sponsorships

Golf outings are one of the easier events to plan and execute for a nonprofit. They are simple and straightforward.

Featuring your sponsors in any kind of financial donation to underwrite the costs of a golf tournament is an excellent trade off.

It takes the financial burden off of your nonprofit while giving your sponsors incredible placement in front of your guests. This environment is much more suited for this kind of tradeoff than say a gala event or charity ball.

Think about posting sponsor logos on the rule sheets, signage, social media, and any golf paraphernalia you give to your participants.

There’s no time like the present! Host a casual golf outing this summer! Contact Charity Fundraising today to get started!