
Thanksgiving is that special time of year when we give thanks for the many blessings in our lives.  Though some big and some small, there is always something to be thankful for.  At Charity Fundraising, we are thankful for many blessings this year.  Most importantly we are thankful for all of our charity partners and the causes they support.

“This year has been a blockbuster year for us, as we have partnered with more than 1,800 non-profits,” recalls Michael Gordon, Fundraising Specialist at Charity Fundraising.  “We’ve helped charities across the country by providing autographed charity auction items, vacation packages and VIP experiences to assist with their fundraising efforts and help them make a difference.”

Charity Fundraising helps various non-profits from schools, civic groups, disease research and healthcare organizations and many more.  Phillip Ryan, Director of Media Relations for Charity Fundraising comments, “It’s always exciting to hear how organizations across the country are helping people in need.  From the Ronald McDonald House helping families with seriously ill children to the Arts and Science Center in Southeast Arkansas spreading culture to those in need, it’s heartwarming to see lives being changed in the midst of so much negativity in the world around us.”

So in this season of Thanksgiving, we encourage you to be thankful and more importantly find a way to help others.   There are numerous non-profits that value your time, your resources and your financial support. Find a local non-profit where you can give your time or contact a non-profit that needs your financial support and find out how you can help.  For a listing of charities that need your help visit www.charitywatch.org.  Or you can find a partial listing of our charity partners and get to know why we care so deeply for their causes. You can change lives, make a difference and perhaps next Thanksgiving season, someone will be thankful for you and the impact you’ve made on their life.

From our family to yours we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!